Simple Ways to Romanticize Your Life

Written by Natalie Glennon

You’ve probably heard of the trend romanticizing your life, but maybe it doesn’t fully resonate with you. Maybe you think of your life as boring, repetitive, and utterly ordinary—what’s there to romanticize? Well, I’m glad you asked! You don’t need to go on exciting vacations, have expensive material possessions, or even be in a romantic relationship in order to romanticize your life. It’s all about taking what you already have and adding some sparkle to it.

Similarly to practicing gratitude, romanticizing your life involves increasing your awareness of the beauty and joy in everyday moments. Whether you shift your mindset or take action to turn ordinary moments into romantic experiences, this kind of mindfulness can decrease stress, reduce symptoms of depression, and improve sleep quality. In order to determine how you can most effectively romanticize your life, you need to ask yourself what truly brings you joy, and then engage in intentional awareness and action. Here are some simple ideas for ways you can romanticize your life starting right now:

  1. Embrace your main character energy. Sometimes you just need a reminder that you are the main character of your life, and you should act like it! Listen to music like it’s the soundtrack of your life. Pick out an outfit that feels uniquely yours. Treat yourself to a fun drink for no reason other than it would bring you joy. You can even take yourself on a solo date doing an activity you love. Don’t wait for other people to give you permission to live the way you want—you can give that to yourself right now.

  2. Create a space you love. Creating an environment that sparks joy can be just what you need to romanticize your home and your daily life. Dedicate time to declutter your space, redecorate your room, and curate the perfect vibe. Simply investing in some plants, candles, or fairy lights can make a world of difference.

  3. Switch up your routine. It can be easy to find ourselves in a rut if we become too used to the routines of everyday life. By occasionally switching up our routine, we can carve out time for fun and spontaneity. You could explore nature with a friend, experiment with cooking a new recipe, or dedicate a whole night to relaxation and self-care. Stepping outside of our routines can allow us to both prioritize novelty and have a greater appreciation of the comfort our routines bring us.

  4. Express love openly and freely. Even if you’re not in a romantic relationship, you can still romanticize your life by expressing love and appreciation for the people you care about. You can compliment coworkers, give your friends little gifts, or spend quality time with family members. Even smiling at a stranger can help brighten someone’s day and boost your own happiness in return. There are countless ways to spread love in your life, and they reinforce the positive impact you have on the people around you.

  5. Practice mindful gratitude. You don’t necessarily have to change anything in your life in order to romanticize it. You can achieve this mindset shift by practicing mindfulness and gratitude. Basically, slow down and take an interest in the little things in life you might not always notice. Pretend as if it’s your first time going to the grocery store or walking down the street, and marvel at the minor details. Savor every moment like it’s your last. Remind yourself that you are lucky to be here experiencing all the wonders of life.

Start experimenting with different ways to romanticize your life. You might be surprised at how much it affects your wellbeing! Chances are, you already have a romantic life—it’s just a matter of whether you notice it or not.

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